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December 14, 2007: Jar-Jar came to Save the Cats from a kill shelter that was going to euthanize him because he was under the age to get neutered. He came in with his brother Jinx that has since been adopted out. The foster mom came home from work one day and found Jar-Jar very sick and took him to the vet so he could pass very peacefully. Jar-Jar was just not able to thrive and he passed away very quickly. We miss you Jar-Jar, you are loved.

At around 10:19 AM on January 31, 2006, Molly drew her last breath. She would have turned thirteen sometime this year. A little more than a week ago her appetite started to diminish greatly. I got her to eat reasonably last Tuesday, but then she ate almost nothing Wednesday and Thursday. I took her to the vet on Friday, where they hydrated her and prescribed an appetite stimulant. When we returned home, she ate a decent amount of food and seemed close to her old self. The last time she displayed affection/purring was Saturday, when she jumped onto my lap and kept me company while watching TV; but once again she stopped eating. This continued over the next three days and by Tuesday morning she was in noticeable discomfort. I realized the time had come and I returned her to the vet. I spoke my last farewells to her while the doctor sedated her, and then put her to her final rest. I stayed with her to the end. She was my precious pet and good friend, the love of my life for the last six and a half years. Losing her is totally devastating. She was diagnosed with incurable cancer two months ago but had shown no behavioral symptoms until last week. I am so grateful to Marnie and Save the Cats for allowing me to adopt her. She has been a gift, a blessing to me and our entire family. She was my shadow. She slept with me every night. Whenever I made a lap, she would sit on it: watching TV, working on the computer, reading. She loved music and would be an ego boost to any budding musician. She would sit by the piano whenever I played, no matter how poorly. And when my son had his extremely loud rock band over for practice, she would find a cozy spot nearby and sleep, soothed by their playing. She had the most beautiful fur, with long calico/tortoiseshell hair, a black splotch covering her right eye, a brown splotch over her left, and white from the top of her nose, spreading out across her jowls. I will no longer be awoken in the middle of the night with her loud purring or when she jumps on top of me and kneads my chest with her little paws. I can't believe she is gone. I miss her terribly.

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