Welcome to Save The Cats Inc.

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Nico's Sponsorship Page

Nico and his siblings were rescued in New York as strays. Luckily, some STC volunteers happened to be in New York at the time, and were asked to help take the kittens to the safety of our foster home in Pa. All of the kittens have now been adopted and as they say, we are saving the best for last! Nico is still waiting for his special home! Nico is extremely sweet and he is VERY active! He would be best as the only cat in the household and might be ok with dogs. He is super great with people! Nico has been tested negative for FELV/FIV, has been vaccinated, microchipped for life, and has been neutered. If you are interested in meeting him, please fill out our adoption application at www.savethecatsinc.com. You are not obligated to adopt even after applying.

Nico's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
  Sponsor $

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Recurring Sponsorship
  Amount of EACH sponsorship payment:
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