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Nova's Web Page

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Name: Nova
Rescue ID: C210011
Status: Adopted!
Species: Cat
Breed: Domestic Short Hair / Tabby / Mixed (short coat)
Pattern: Tabby
Sex: Female
Current Age: 3 Years 10 Months (best estimate)
Nova's sister, Nature (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Nova's brother, Nico (available for adoption) can also be seen on our website.
Nova's brother, Norman (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Nova and her siblings were rescued in New York as strays. Luckily, some STC volunteers happened to be in New York at the time, and were asked to help take the kittens to the safety of our foster home in Pa. All of the kittens are extremely sweet! They have been tested negative for FELV/FIV and have been vaccinated and also microchipped for life. If you are interested in meeting any of them, please fill out our adoption application at www.savethecatsinc.com. You are not obligated to adopt even after applying. There are 2 boys and 2 girls!

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